Bedlington Terrier
General info
The Bedlington Terrier is graceful and lithe, with no sign of coarseness. It is alert, full of energy and courageous. It runs at great speed and is notable for its endurance. A "real wolf in sheep’s clothing." Although this terrier resembles a lamb, it has the qualities of a wolf and can fight and chase tough opponents. The lithe and graceful terrier has a well-marked, robust outline. The arched haunch provides it with agility and speed, and a springy, light gait. The Bedlington's protective coat, meanwhile, which is either the blue, sandy, liver and/or tan in color, is a combination of soft and hard hair that stands away from the skin. The Bedlington Terrier has proven itself loyal and a good companion. It is one of the softer terriers in temperament, feel, and look. A calm house dog, it will not start a fight but is not one to be frightened of other dogs and can become an aggressive fighter when forced. Additionally, the Bedlington Terrier may chase small animals outdoors, but it will live in harmony with other household pets.