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Health Mosquito-Borne Diseases (West Nile Virus in Dogs and Cats) The common symptoms found in West Nile Virus in Dogs and cats including itching, irritation, fever, and depression, etc. Health Kidney Cancer in Cats The most symptoms of kidney cancer in cats are Abdominal pain, blood in urine, pale gum, poor skin condition, difficulty breathing, lethargy, etc. Behavior & Training Reasons Why You Should Train Your Dog Positive training, which rewards and motivates a dog for good behavior, allows you to foster a relationship with your dog based on mutual trust and respect instead of fear and intimidation. The most effective teachers are those who can influence behavior in their dogs without the use of force and work through any problems in a humane manner. Behavior & Training Kinds of Courses by k-9 BKK Obedience training gives you an opportunity to understand how your dog works and thinks. It gives your dog a chance to know the rules and what is expected of him. Behavior & Training Dog Training For The Contest Or Show We have to start training, Act as chief of their and have discipline in dog training. Chief of the "dog" of the dog, we must have a calm mood. The Practice of dog. You shows that the dog is a follower. Must be under the control of the owner or the trainer and don't show aggression behavior.